WEM Dispatch APIs Overview
1. Introduction
The WEM Dispatch APIs give access to the full range of data from the Wholesale Electricity Market Dispatch Engine (WEMDE), including:
Dispatch Case
Dispatch Instructions
Dispatch Summary
Dispatch Solution
Trading Day Report
Not In Service Capacity
Reference Trading Price
Demand Side Programmes
Network Operator Procured
The WEM Dispatch v2 APIs extend the functionality of the WEM Dispatch v1 API collection with heightened metadata, increased situational awareness of Affected/Missing Dispatch Intervals and uniformity across case/solution request parameters/responses, and includes the following:
Dispatch Case
Dispatch Solution
AEMO intend to retire/deprecate the v1 functionality for the dispatchData, preDispatchData and weekAheadDispatchData endpoints around June 2025. The dispatchDataOutcomes v1 endpoints will still be maintained, with the outlook of uplifting them to v2 in the future.
This data provided via API aligns with the publication obligations prescribed in Section 7.13: Settlement and Monitoring Data of the WEM Rules.
2. Data availability
In the WEM, AEMO manages the dispatch process of Registered Facilities for energy and Essential System Services as described in clause 7.2.1 of the WEM Rules. AEMO produces Scenarios and Market Schedules which enable Market Participants to respond to Dispatch Instructions, make Facility commitment decisions and reconcile market outcomes.
Three Market Schedules exist:
1. Dispatch
2. Pre-Dispatch
3. Week-Ahead
Each Market Schedule has a unique horizon, set of Scenarios and interval granularity. The table and diagram below outline this information.

3. Alternative data sources
AEMO publishes downloadable data sets on the Market Data website. These data sets are publicly available and do not require user authentication.
4. Prerequisites for API access
Before using the WEM Dispatch APIs, you need the following:
An enabled user account (created by your Market Participant Administrator) attached to a Registered Market Participant (see WEMS MPI User Management User Guide).
A DigiCert Certificate created and installed for the user account.
For more information, see The Reformer: Accessing our test environments.
5. API details
Authentication method
The WEM Dispatch APIs use the DigiCert TLS certificate authentication method.
Base URLs
The base URLs used for the WEM Dispatch APIs are included below:
Certificate Type
DigiCert Certificate
DigiCert Certificate